Welcome to Robin Class!
Miss Sanders, Mrs Francis, Mrs Fulcher and Mrs Cummins are delighted to welcome you to our class page!
Summer 2=
Home learning:
- MyMaths activity- to be completed online each week.
- Edshed spellings- online spelling practice.
- Choose one of the home learning activities. Your work needs to be handed in on Monday the 15th of July.
-The home learning activities and unit overviews are attached.
Spring 2 topic overview=
- Writing- write an environmental narrative using 'The Promise' as a stimulus. Write an adventure narrative using 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' as a stimulus.
- Reading- focus on a range of reading skills: Prediction, Clarification, Questioning, Summarising, Inference and Critique. Texts: The Angel of Nitshill Road by Anne Fine, A jar of pickles and pinch of justice by Chitra Soundar and a collection of Spring Poems.
- Spelling and Handwriting practice.
- Fractions
- Mass and capacity
- Decimals
Geography: Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Science: Sound
PE: Netball & Gym
Music: Composing
French: Food
PSHE: Rights and respect
Art: Mountain Landscapes
RE: Love- Changing emotion
Computing: Google Slides
Home Learning:
- Reading Diaries- to be written in each week.
- MyMaths activity- to be completed online each week.
- EdShed spellings- online spelling practice.
- Choose one of the home learning activities. Your work needs to be handed in on Monday the 25th of March.
Spring 1 topic overview=
- Writing- write a piece of poetry using 'The Night Box' as a stimulus. Write a non-chronological report using 'The Barnabus Project' as a stimulus.
- Reading- focus on a range of reading skills: Prediction, Clarification, Questioning, Summarising, Inference, and Critique. Texts: Arthur and the golden rope by Joe Todd-Stanton, Green eggs and ham by Dr. Seuss, Somethings drastic by Michael Rosen.
- Spellings and Handwriting practice.
- Multiplication and Division
- Length, Perimeter and Area
- Fractions
History: Ancient Egypt
Science: Human Nutrition
PE: Cricket and Gym
Music: Three little birds
French: Colours
PSHE: Keeping myself safe
DT: 3D Structures
RE: Authority
Computing: Writing for different audiences
Home Learning=
- Reading Diaries- to be written in each week
- MyMaths- to be completed online each week
- Edshed spellings- online spelling practice
- Choose one of the home learning activities, the work needs to be handed in on Monday the 5th of February.
Autumn 2 topic overview=
- Writing- write a persuasive letter using 'Charlotte's Web' as a stimulus. Write a piece of poetry using 'It starts with a seed' as a stimulus.
- Reading- focus on a range of reading skills: prediction, clarification, questioning, summarising, inference and critique. Texts: The Tunnel, The Black Dog and Christmas Poetry.
- Spellings and Handwriting practice
- Unit: Multiplication and Division
- Times tables practice
Geography: Villages, Towns and Cities
Science: Danger to living things
PE: Hockey & Swimming
Music: Playing in a band
French: Days and months
PSHE: Valuing difference
DT: Circuits and Switches
RE: Angels
Computing: Online safety
Home Learning=
- Reading Diaries- to be written in each week
- MyMaths activity- to be completed online each week
- EdShed spellings- extra online spelling practice
- Choose one of the home learning activities, the work needs to be handed in on Monday the 4th of December.
Autumn 1 topic overview=
- Writing- write a narrative setting description using 'The Tin Forest' as a stimulus. Write a newspaper article using 'The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!' as a stimulus.
- Reading- Focus on a range of reading skills: Prediction, Clarification, Questioning, Summarising, Inference and Critique. Texts: The Fox and the Ghost King, Stone Age Boy and Halloween Poetry.
- Spelling and Handwriting practice
- Place Value: Recognising, partitioning, ordering, comparing, counting skills
- Adding & Subtraction- two and three digit numbers
- Multiples
History: Prehistoric Britain
Science: Electricity
PE: Rugby and Dance
Music: Listening and performing
French: Greetings and numbers
PSHE: Me and my relationships
Art: Cave painting
RE: Trees across religions
Computing: Coding