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Burghclere Primary School

Learning, growing and succeeding together

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Burghclere Primary School

Learning, growing and succeeding together


Falcon Year 5/6

Welcome to Falcon Class!

Teacher - Mrs Field

LSA's - Mrs Langrell

Mrs King

Miss Sudlow


Summer Term 2


This term PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday.  Please can children come to school in appropriate PE kit on those days.

Summer Term 1:


PE is on Tuesday and Friday, like last term.  Please come to school in your PE kit.

Please check out our amazing e-book which we created to display the work we did during Shakespeare Week!

Spring term 2


Welcome back!


This term, PE will be on Tuesday and Friday.  Please come to school in PE kit.

Spring Term 1


Welcome back!

Please find the home learning and information about the coming term below.


PE will be on a Monday and Tuesday this term.

Autumn Term 2!


Welcome back. This term we will be learning about Slums as part of our Geography topic.  We will be learning songs for the KS2 Carol Service at the church as well as designing and creating a shelter in DT.  Please see the information for the term as well as the homework below.


PE will be on a Tuesday and Friday again this term.

Autumn Term 2023


Hi and welcome back! 

We are really looking forward to learning about The Benin Kingdom this term as well as about Life Cycles in Science.  This term, PE will be on Tuesday and Friday.  Please come to school in PE kit.

Don't forget our fantastic week at PGL coming up soon!

Summer Term 1

Snow Day - 8th March 2023


I have put resources onto the Falcon Google Classroom and some links to help with activities.  Have fun and enjoy the day!  smiley

Activity suggestions

Spring Term 1

This term, PE will be on a Monday and Thursday.  The children will have Dance on a Monday and Hockey on Thursday.  Please can the children come to school in their appropriate PE kit.

Autumn Term 2

Autumn Term 1


This term, indoor PE is on a Monday and outdoor PE is on Thursday.  Children should come into school in their PE kit.

Summer Term 2

This term, PE will be outdoors and will take place on Thursdays.  

Summer Term 1

This term PE will be on a Monday and Thursday.  It will be indoor on Monday and outdoor on Thursday.  Please come into school wearing appropriate PE kit on these days.  

Spring Term 2


This term, we have outdoor PE on Monday and indoor PE on Tuesday.

Spring Term 1


This term PE will be on a Tuesday and Thursday.  Please come in PE it on those days.  There will be Dance on Tuesday and Hockey on Thursday.

Autumn Term 2 - 2021


This term, PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday.  The children should come in their PE kits on these days.  We will have Gymnastics on Tuesday and Netball on Thursday.

Unfortunately, the tennis coach who was coming in to school to teach the children on a Monday has had to cancel due to Covid restrictions.  This means we will change our PE back to Tuesday and Wednesday.
This term, PE is changing to Monday and Tuesday.  Please can the children come in their PE kits on those days.  We will be outdoors on Mondays and indoors on Tuesdays.

Welcome Back!


We are really happy to have you all back in school and welcome you to Falcon Class.  smiley

Activities for half term

Tasks for the week beginning 11th May

Tasks for the w/b 4th May
I hope you all had a lovely relaxing Easter break.  Below is the outline for our learning this week.  It is also on the Google Classroom along with the other resources you will need.

Week beginning 20th April 2020

Over the next two weeks, I will still invite you to our hangouts, so remember to check your calendar.  I am also still available if you need help with anything so remember that you can invite me too!  Attached below is a list of suggested activities which you may want to try.  smiley

Easter Holiday Activities

In the event of school closure or self-isolation, please use this page to keep track of work that the children can do at home.


Children have been given all of their relevant passwords again so that they can access all areas at home.  These include:  Google Classroom, TT Rockstars, My Maths and Purple Mash.


Please see the links below for other useful resources that you can also use as well as a reminder of their current home learning which can be extended to include other American States.


The children have maths tasks set on My Maths, where there are also games and other tasks available.  They should also use TT Rockstars daily for at least 10 minutes.


Much of their written tasks will be set on Google Classroom - children should read the instructions given on the task and then hand them in when complete.


Encourage your child to read for at least 30 minutes a day - this is a great opportunity to continue with the 20 in 20 Reading Challenge.


Children should also check their school Gmail account regularly to see if I have been in contact or invited them to a Hangout to discuss their learning.


Spring Term 2:


Our topic this term is the USA.


PE will take place on a Monday and Thursday this term.

In Autumn Term 1, the children will have Hockey and Dance for PE. These will take place on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  Please make sure your child has appropriate kit for both indoors and outdoors.    smiley