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Burghclere Primary School

Learning, growing and succeeding together

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Burghclere Primary School

Learning, growing and succeeding together


Acorn Year R1

Welcome to Acorn Class!

Class Teacher Mrs Curtis

Learning Support Assistants - Mrs Laidlaw, Mrs Baldwin, Miss Needham and Mrs Davies


This half term we have PE  on a Monday. Please can all children keep their PE kit at school this term.

Unless already at school, all children need to bring their wellies and be dressed in old clothing every welly Wednesday. We will continue to change home reading books every Wednesday and library books every Friday. 


Thank you



Thank you for your continued support.  Please do not hesitate to come and speak to me if you have any queries or questions about your child's learning.


Mrs Curtis



Useful website to support Phonics and Early Reading at home.






Summer 2 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside'

Super Six termly overview

Useful websites
