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Vision and Values

Our Vision

At Burghclere Primary school, we aim to provide a happy, inclusive, nurturing environment where everyone is learning, growing and succeeding together, so that they have the skills, knowledge and values to make a positive difference to their communities in an ever-changing world. 

Our School Values

At Burghclere we value:

Respect - we show respect for people and property by being thoughtful, patient, kind, inclusive and polite.

Determination - we show determination through setting aspirational personal goals, striving to be the best we can be, embracing mistakes, reflecting on our learning, and putting effort into all we do.

Collaboration - we show collaboration through valuing teamwork, supporting others, being attentive listeners, being able to compromise and sharing our ideas.

Responsibility - we show responsibility through understanding how our choices can impact others, and by developing behaviour that promotes trust and personal development.

Curiosity - we show curiosity through exploring, investigating, questioning and showing an interest in the world around us.