Robin Class
Welcome to Robin Class!
Class Teacher - Miss Burton
Learning Support Assistants - Miss Pearce, Mrs Cummins, Mrs Clarke, Mrs King
Reading Books These will be changed when required. Please listen to your child read their book every day- they should be fluent and reading with expression.
Library Books Your child will bring home a book from the library every two weeks. This is a book to read with your child for pleasure.
PE Kit Please make sure your child wears their PE kit to school on Wednesday and Tuesday.
Y3 Brass Lessons These take place on Monday. Your child will need to bring their brass instrument into school for their lesson- and plenty of practice at home!
Useful website to support learning at home:
Home learning:
- MyMaths activity- to be completed online each week.
- Edshed spellings- online spelling practice.
- Choose one of the home learning activities on the home learning overview to complete during the term