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Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class!

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Class Teacher - Miss Hobbs
Learning Support Assistants - Mrs Laidlaw, Miss Marshall, Mrs Belcher, Mrs Bridgman and Mrs Kestell


Muddy Monday On Mondays children will need to come to school wearing old clothes and bring their wellies.

Reading Books These will be changed each Wednesday. Please listen to your child read their book every day- they should be fluent and reading with expression.

Library Books Your child will bring home a book from the library every two weeks. This is a book to read with your child for pleasure.

PE Kit Please make sure your child has a PE kit in school. It will be sent home at the end of the term.

Useful website to support learning at home:

  • Numbots
    Year One and Two to practice number bonds

  • My Maths
    Year One and Two mathematics homework

  • Karate Cats
    Year One and Two to practice spelling, punctuation and grammar

  • Topmarks
    Various online games covering all subjects - search for our favourites Hit The Button and Save The Whale!